If it's not the Retail Apocalypse (a rather dramatic characterization IMHO), it is the regular drip drip of bad news for today's retailers. Even Saks Fifth Avenue is suffering according to the Wall Street Journal https://www.wsj.com/articles/hudsons-bay-owner-of-saks-posts-lower-sales-11575985094?shareToken=st21b8df7538fb4eb4bff5f3d201c495cf
It doesn't have to be this way. Retailers can make money and lots of it! Samyata provides the next generation of retail functionality - which is what Shoppers are clamoring for - buying what they want, where they are and when they want! Mobile, Geolocation specific, Analytics/AI driven, with integrated Personal Shopping or BOPIS - coupled with a free POS.
We would love to have Saks on our platform! Let's turn this ship around.

It doesn't have to be this way. Retailers can make money and lots of it! Samyata provides the next generation of retail functionality - which is what Shoppers are clamoring for - buying what they want, where they are and when they want! Mobile, Geolocation specific, Analytics/AI driven, with integrated Personal Shopping or BOPIS - coupled with a free POS.
We would love to have Saks on our platform! Let's turn this ship around.
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